
Aidan Turns Eight! (5/2022)


Aidan's birthday also fell on a Sunday, so I'm guessing which of these pictures were from Sunday and which were from Monday, but it doesn't matter, anyway. We celebrated the boy just as we should, with blankets, feasting, and fire. 

Sunday morning breakfast. Decadent. Delicious.

Monday (?) morning brunch. A requested apple pie from Millie? Why not.

Supper was almost certainly different kinds of pizza, followed by either a jello poke cake or yet another ice cream cake. At this point, none of us, including the birthday boy himself, can remember what he asked for. 

But just look at that toothless grin, will you? I love celebrating the birthdays of our children. Their joy and excitement is palpable and contagious and makes me grin, even now, all these months later.

Happy birthday to you, little Fire! You color our days with your sweetness and mischief, all rolled up into one lively bundle.  <3

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