
February 2022: Ice and Frost and Gold in Spots








All of my clocks are broken; my orbits run a'jumble. Do you recall that laughable goal of mine? Well, scratch that. Life is full of happenings-- for example, just tonight Skylark accidentally sat down in a bowl of hot soup while wearing only her skivvies; imagine the commotion!- and blogging has become even more difficult to fit in now that I've lost the habit. (Plus, I'm old and feeble now.) My new goal is to post the previous year's month a few steps before this year's month arrives (i.e. post February of 2022 snapshots before February of 2023 comes roaring in). This will serve to keep you all delightfully confused and thoroughly uninformed about our current events. That's what blogs are for, right?

I took scant pictures in February of 2022.  I don't know WHAT I was doing, actually. Susannah and Piper pulled through in the pinch, though. Both Millie and Susannah bought cameras at the beginning of the year. Though I had to bully Susannah into spending her hard-earned coins on a used camera, she does not regret it now. In fact, she took nearly all the pictures on this post! 

* under a photo = Piper photographer
** under a photo = Mama snapshotter
Everything else: Susannah Wren photographer

And so it goes. We pass the torch, or the lens as the case may be, on and on and ever on....just like this sentence.

I'm growing a migraine, I told Susannah I'd go to bed at ten, and it's now four minutes shy of tomorrow. Why do I have to write so many words when I blog?! It's no wonder I'm a year behind.

The End.


Deborah Purdy said...

Wow, Susannah. Some of those are stunning.

Abigail said...

I know! I'll show her your comment. Sometimes bullying your children is the right thing to do.