
Nut Berry Turns Fourteen! (6/2022)


Four birthday pictures? Ah, well. I was probably out working in the garden for most of the day. She's the girl who was born five weeks early, so she's used to it. If only you'd waited until July like you were supposed to, Piper, your mama would spend ALL DAY in the kitchen every year instead of nearly all day in the garden. ;)

I know she had a birthday supper. Souvlaki? Spicy chicken wraps? I don't know about supper, but Piper was one of the few people who requested a decorated cake this year, and I should have taken advantage of the opportunity by spending more time decorating it. Millie sauntered in after I was done, glanced at it, and commented, "Wow, you've improved since you made MY horse cake." I'll take the back-handed compliment for what it's worth, I guess.

Piper is loving and cuddly and sweet and gracious and bubbly and goofy. She loves to sew and quilt and create, and Grandma J. is already pinning her hopes on Piper taking garbage bags of fabric off her hands. (DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT, PIP.) She looks like a true Owen with those gorgeous brown eyes and nutty skin, but I think she's got at least some of my sass.

She also has a beautiful smile. 

We love you dearly, Piper Joy Owen! God grant you good in this last third of your fourteenth year. 


Rebecca said...

That is an awesome cake! I don't remember the other one but this one is amazing! Is it weird that I love that Piper asked for a decorated cake? I am finding that tradition is dwindling with all the big kids who are choosing other things for birthday desserts... and it is SAD!

What a gal! I just love her spunk! And her hugs!

Abigail said...

Not a bit weird! Even my YOUNGER ones are asking for ice cream cakes and trifles these days, so decorated cakes are making an exit entirely. (And the last horse cake was Just Plain Creepy.)