
Sweetest Sixteen for Susannah Wren (2/2022)


Birdie turned SIXTEEN last year! I grow old (and wear the bottoms of my trousers rolled), and nothing proves this more than the fact that my little chubby Bird baby is now an elegant sixteen-year old.  Thank goodness that elegant exterior still holds a lively and curious cuckoo bird!  If that had vanished along with her babyhood, I'd be in mourning.  So, quickly, before she turns seventeen in a month, let's see what she ate on her sixteenth birthday!

Her actual birthday was a bit of a bust, mostly because Millie and Annika had left the day prior for Poiema, leaving her a little blue. It was also a packed birthday morning, due to us hosting church (which always entails rushing about cleaning and making food for the meal). I don't remember what we ate for breakfast, and I can guarantee it was no birthday feast, but Susannah was a good sport and accepted the good the day had to offer.


Ulp. Never mind. I just found the pictures of her breakfast. Freezer hash browns that Tom had given to us, along with a fancy hard-boiled egg, followed by a mad rush to clean before church family arrived.


Don't worry. The day got better.

The first good thing was a gorgeous bird cookie-cake that Rebecca, her Mama #2, brought for the fellowship meal to celebrate her big day.

Another good thing-- after lunch, before he left for Poiema with some other young adults, her cousin Noah revealed that he'd purchased five cartons of ice cream for her birthday supper! After all the churchfolk left, we settled down with our overnight guests for a solid supper of hamburgers and a birthday dessert of ice cream and brownies.

And, lookee here! We stole a last-minute extra guest to join Aunt Leah and the cousins, and she served as a convenient shield for the camera (I'm looking at you, Ineke Rose!).

She also sang "Happy Birthday" with commendable gusto.

John had just been put on leave from his job of 16 years due to NY's COVID requirements for healthcare workers (more on this jolly tale of job loss to come later, maybe, but maybe not, because there's not even a need for this paragraph, really). Because of this, he was able to drive to North Carolina with Millie and Annie for some space to read, walk, think, and renew. And because of THIS (Aha! Here's the point!), the five youngest children decided to center their sleepover at the foot of our bed.  I guess they wanted to ensure I wouldn't be lonely.

Please take note of the impressive stack of books in the foreground background to Aidan's left. I'd be disappointed if you didn't. 

A few days later, Susannah got her driver's permit and a cup of coffee.  

I also trusted her with my life.  Sixteen is where it's at!

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