
But for an Appalling Lack of Discipline...

...this could become an obsession.

On their baby registry, Luke and Jae Ryong included a link to this kinetic mobile.  There is no way I'd pay $70 for a mobile, but it entranced me, and I kept following the link to look at it, like a stalker. I asked Luke if he'd care if I tried to make a copy of it in place of the real thing. He said to go for it, so I bought supplies (wire, fishing swivels, and a pack of plastic cutting boards) and spent an afternoon and evening combining plagiarism with my impressive knowledge of physics.

Surprise! I don't know anything about physics.  THIS WONDERFUL MAN is the whole reason why I learned how to make a kinetic mobile. His site lays out possible materials and tutored me through the process.  I was fascinated by its perfect balance, and by the fact that if you blow on it, it smoothly spins around! Physics is magical! I admire Marco Mahler for his talent, yes, but much more so for the generosity of spirit that opens the door for people like me to enjoy creating things, too. Sometimes the art world can seem elitist and exclusionary, but he seems to value joyful creation over proprietary creation, and THIS is where it's at.

Making this little gift was a great satisfaction and delight, and after finishing, I was overcome with a compelling desire to make mobiles of all sizes, shapes, and colors FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE.  Instead, I moved the wire and cutting boards down to basement storage and haven't made one since. 

These pictures are making my fingers itch, though.  Just think of all the colors one could cut into shapes. Oh, the possibilities of physics! 

 Oh! Because I don't know where else to put him, I'll tack on a turtle-- the first thing I've embroidered in years. A quiet turtle for a little Bean.

1 comment :

Abigail said...

In case you, too, now feel a compulsion to make mobiles FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE but didn't sift through Mahler's site enough to find these, here are two more pages that I found helpful.