
We Loved Him from the Beginning


It's hard to believe that 12 months ago, little Ian Alden was still curled inside and had yet to see the sun.  As I type, he's a good-natured, shiny-eyed beauty of a boy. He prefers exploration over sleep, threatens to master walking independently well before his first birthday, and we all adore him.

But last February?  He looked like this-- the rounding of life on a gorgeous woman.

The shower was just a few weeks after Mom's 75th party, and Deborah graciously offered to decorate and host at her home to give our family a break. Becky, Debbie, and I combined our efforts, and, judging by the leftovers and these pictures, we all maybe went a little overboard, but only because we were so happy and excited about this baby Bean.  And thank you, Deborah, for working your tail off to create such a lovely space for us to celebrate this little baby!

I had to consult Luke and Jae Ryong for the proper characters for "Kongi" (Little Bean) in Hangul, but I'm still paranoid that I accidentally wrote "Little Mean" or something, so if one of you is adept in Korean and sees an error, just BE QUIET ABOUT IT.


Millie took all of these pictures for us (...and made a ton of origami paper stars-- thank you, Millie!), and I'm posting them all in the order she took them because I don't think Luke and Jae have seen any of them yet. Here they are, guys! Pictures from your shower a year late! (I'm a champ.)  And with no commentary, because it's late, and, just like baby Ian, I'm habitually overdue for bed.

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