
Basket Hunting: 2022


We didn't get home from church until three or so, and we postponed our feast until after we hunted for baskets so the children could find them in daylight. Because of this and because it was cold, I hid baskets 2-at-a-time and then capped it off with the oldest five girls all hunting for their baskets simultaneously. This saved time, but I missed a few pictures of girls finding their baskets. That's okay. Fewer low quality pictures to post!

Oh, Marnie. You make it all worthwhile.

Ransom was next, and if you observe carefully, you'll see that Ransom and Mille were equally adept this year at discovering their respective baskets.

We cajoled, we pointed, we shrieked toward his basket.

He ran in the opposite direction as fast as he could.

We brought him back.

He tried to run away, but we BULLIED him into it.

And he finally accepted his fate.

Cadence and Skylark were next.

Skylark must've walked past that open barrel half a dozen times.
Betcha can't guess where I hid hers.


Cadence found hers next.

I hid Zeke and Aidan's at the same time, and Zeke found his on top of the shed so lickety-split that I completely missed it.

It took Aidan a little longer to climb onto the house, so I watched him find his basket.

Even with the time-shaving shortcuts, we were all hungry and cold and felt like Ponyo (haaaam!), so I hid the girls' baskets five-in-one-go in the most obvious locations I could think of. 

Millie approved.

So did Birdie.

So did Annika.

Smart aleck.

All right. Remember our experience just 20 minutes prior with Ransom. It was a deja vu experience with Millie. Hey, Millie, there's your basket.
Right there. 



She turned around.
NOOOOOOOO! At this point I nearly called her back and led her by the hand to find it. 

Pip and Luci found theirs in the interim.


So did Susannah. 
Smart alecks.

Oh, wait!  HERE SHE COMES!!!!

Good job, babe. Let's go eat some ham.

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