
Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary


Luke came in May and prepared the gardens for planting, and then it was plant-as-you-can for the next few weeks. Millie and Annika were both working, so this was the first year that Susannah, Piper, Luci, and I planted everything all by ourselves. 

Well, not exactly all by ourselves. Ransom discovered the manure pile was the perfect place for lounging while we worked. (A note about the manure pile. My incredible father-in-law, incredible husband, and a handful of incredible children filled Dude's truck and the back of our minivan full of free manure at least two times during the planting season to enrich our depleted soil. This giant pile represents a lot of their hard work!)

And these little girls begged to be able to help with the upper garden.  I think Zeke and Aidan must have pitched in, too, at some point, but I have no pictures to prove it.

Ah, the upper garden finished. It felt so good to have one garden planted.  (Susannah, in retrospect, these pictures might reveal why so few seeds came up.)

Can't wait to try it all over again. Ha. Sob.

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