
Ice to Gold


I guess the sugar season did happen, because I took these pictures.  The price of propane jumped so drastically in the middle of the season that I boiled down the last couple of runs outside in our fire pit, using a shelf of cinder blocks. Now on my list of good things to buy are fire bricks, because while I finished the last batch, the cinder blocks split due to the high heat. I saved the syrup from the flames, but just barely.

Due to inattention, I accidentally let the sap freeze too thoroughly a few times (because I still do this), and Ransom thought it was his birthday every time I brought in the buckets to thaw them a bit.

Out with the old, and a new season is nearly upon us! (That went by quickly.)


When I tapped trees in February, Ransom came outside with us because there was no one left indoors to watch him, and the air was balmy. It was his first feels-like-spring visit outside as a walking baby, which meant we could set him down to discover the wonders of puddle-splashing for the first time. I don't know who took the video, but he is pretty darn cute. 

1 comment :

Abigail said...

"Why is nobahdee ovah neah Ransom?" Skylark asks.
Don't worry. I just figured out that it was Pip taking the video, and she scooped him up before the enormous field trucks roared through. Good thing.