Blue on Blue
Spun by Abigail on Thursday, June 17, 2021 2 cobweb(s)
We Almost Named Him Apollo*
*For those who are pop-culture illiterate, as I once was before John undertook my education, that's a Rocky reference.
Spun by Abigail on Thursday, June 17, 2021 3 cobweb(s)
Birthday Wren
One of the best things about daughters getting older is that the parent-child relationship grows more into friendship. I'm deeply grateful for my friendship with all my children, and Susannah Wren is no exception. Birdie, you know how much I love you. And thank you. Thank you for everything but especially thank you for encouraging my stupid jokes. You don't know how much it bolsters one's heart to hear your giggle coming from the corner. (Don't let the You Know Whos influence you otherwise. We know better. WE KNOW IT'S FUNNY!)
Okay, back to this fifteen year-old.
Bierocks and apple hand pies for breakfast for the fifth year in the row. Once she hits on a good idea, she sticks with it.
Spun by Abigail on Thursday, June 17, 2021 2 cobweb(s)
Little Light
Spun by Abigail on Thursday, June 17, 2021 2 cobweb(s)
Tapping Trees 2021

I deleted over 70 pictures of who-knows-what a few days later.
Spun by Abigail on Thursday, June 17, 2021 2 cobweb(s)
V-Day 2021: Fragments

"THIS one is for YOU, Mama!" (Mysteriously, I can't shake those 45 extra pounds hanging on this time around, even though I regularly engage in the grueling rigors of pancake-eating.)
The other pictures of V-Day festivities were accidentally deleted, along with most of the pictures of finished valentines, but here are a few that survived (by Susannah, Piper, and Cadence).
Spun by Abigail on Thursday, June 17, 2021 2 cobweb(s)