
out a'caroling

actually, my friend john (you know, the one i married a few years ago ) is not out a'caroling. he's out a'consumering for my christmas gift, the identity of which is veiled in hush-hush secrecy and the finding of which somehow requires our friend b. eckley's assistance. hmmm. i'm thinking the most thoughtful thoughts i can think.

a musical note.
some music i've soaked in lately is that of alasdair roberts (of appendix out). john brought his c.d. 'farewell sorrow' home, and i've enjoyed it from the first listen up to this present one, many listenings later. simply, it is beautiful. i was especially glad to see that the lyrics, for the most part, were written by roberts. he spins songs in a traditional vein, and it's exciting to me that he's a young artist writing 'new' old music, in addition to singing the traditional songs. when i (who am relatively ignorant of the hipster music scene) told john that something about his music reminded me of the esteemed bonnie prince billy, he told me that they'd collaborated in the past. he's also collaborated with another favorite, jason molina (songs: ohia). (follow the link, and you can listen to the first song by songs: ohia that i ever heard....'lioness'...hip, hip)
so many threads running to and through.
good music brings gladness.

an audio post of two songs from 'farewell sorrow' will follow shortly.
so, take a listen and enjoy.

1 comment :

Abigail said...

Don't be shocked. I was (and am) married to that friend John. He's the best one ever.