
Praise Be

...to the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

She is weak and lightheaded still, but Mopsy is (kind-of) sitting up in a recliner this morning. My sister Becky sent us picture proof.

The surgery took around five hours because of additional blood vessels the surgeon says are not common (Instead of one artery connecting to her kidney, she had three! Overachiever.), but they were able to control bleeding and successfully perform the surgery. We'll know the results of the lymph node biopsy in 7-10 days. At this point, it looks like her bladder and lungs are clear.

Here's a huge thanks for your prayers. When she was here for supper the night before the surgery, Mom said she felt surrounded and lifted up by the prayers of the body of Christ, many of whom she does not know and may never meet. What a gift! Thank you.



Molly said...

PRAISE BE - Indeed! SO grateful for this news!! Prayers lifted up for a clean biopsy report and healthy recovery.

Much love.

Molly said...

My comment should say, "clear" biopsy report but you know my intentions.

Much love & gratitude!

Leah said...

We continue praying for Aunt Nancy. She is so loved by us all! <3

Rebecca said...

So very grateful for this good news! I've been on pins and needles for an update but not wanting to add to your burden with the pesterings of a friend.

Of course, you all will remain in my prayers... but many hearty thanks for this good news will round them out nicely.


Patty said...

❤ Will continue to keep her in prayer. Thank you for the update.

heidiann(e) said...

Oh, my.
I'm late to read this news, but I will certainly add my voice to the chorus of prayers.
Sending my love to you all.

Abigail said...

Thank you all for your prayers! We are grateful for them.

We'll hear biopsy results on the 11th, and Mom's recovery is going extremely well. I had to poke my head out the door and yell at her a few days ago, because while the children and I were distracted with standardized testing, she was picking rocks out of our garden! No! Bad!

Nanno said...

Just now read your blog after a month or so of not checking and was sad to hear your mom was diagnosed with cancer. I hope she comes through with flying colors! Prayers from Colorado.