


Judging by these pictures, all we did in January was relax on the couch with Ransom and build rainbows in the sunshine. I think this is the month from which a fistful of pictures was accidentally deleted, but, even so, if that's what we did, it's not a bad life.


We Also Ate Chocolate

I know this because when sifting through the photo vault, the bulk of January snapshots were of these chocolates. This means that although I have little memory, January must have been a good month.

Evan and Justin-- a.k.a. The Purdy Brothers-- raised the bar so high with  their December chocolates that the bar is now over the moon.

We ate chocolates for a month, and these were the last of the last, of which I finally took pictures. A few didn't make it that far, thus missing out on the photo opportunity, but I plopped those remaining onto the kitchen table for hasty pictures before we savored the last bites.

The chocolates were the best yet (truly!), and the packaging and presentation were quite stunning. I told myself we would not finish the chocolates until I took some pictures. Thank you again, Purdy Brothers! Your chocolates are indeed incomparable (...and the labor and creativity you spend to create them is evident to all your overwhelmed recipients!).

Choice Wine:

Herod's Wrath:

Royal Triad:


Incomparable Hyssop:

Anointment Spices:

Faded Flowers:

Locust and Honey:


Budded Staff:

Living Bread:


Cloudy With a Chance of Pancakes

John is an excellent cook. Here's hoping that Ezekiel's fascination with flipping pancakes means he will become one, too! His future wife, Lord willing, will thank us.

ANOTHER VIDEO. Yup. As it shifts from artistic photo attempts in days of yore to today's modern electronic family scrapbook, Shotsnaps also morphs to Videosnaps. (And, YES, I want my coffee.)




Oh, Mildred, you look beautiful! May I take your picture?

I'm pretty sure that this means "yes."

Ah, there's my long-suffering girl.