
Must Be Done

Scoff if you will, but twinkle light crowns always come first.

Skylark and Cadence were both bewitched by the light crowns this year. Here's Skylark, not knowing I'd returned to take a video of her singing softly, "Me love God. Me love God in the highest."

I love these two pictures of Cadence. They are utterly Cadence-- beautiful or Funny Bunny depending on the second.


I almost never think Lucinda looks like me. I see a lot of John's Grandma Owen in her.

HERE-- however, I see myself.

Piper looking like a grown-up....

And, MAN, do I wish I had a video of this. I turned around and Joel was draped in lights singing, "I'm a Christmas priiiiinceeeess."  

You'll have to imagine it, because he only lasted a few seconds before cracking up.



Molly said...

Here's another of your Christmas traditions I love. It just looks magical.

Rebecca said...

That video of Skylark is the SWEETEST.

Abigail said...

Thanks, Molly!

...but what about JOEL???!!!!