
Real Time: Fervent Prayers


My mother prays for Ransom every day. He won't turn two for several months but one wouldn't know it to see the daily destruction he engineers.  So she prays for his safety, both because he regularly does things like this and because his mother takes pictures of him doing it. 


Sarah Tate said...

Ollie turned one in June and he has a homing beacon for the biggest mess, and the worst injury. I thought that I’d get a sweet and easy guy to slide into my later years but instead I have a sweet, crazy guy to exhaust me. I’m taking from that whatever God wants to teach me, but phew.
Ransom looks like he could teach Ollie a few things!

Sarah Tate said...

Obviously, I’m projecting, just a little. I finished my tour of your blog and I love it, even though I got a little mixed up on dates. I’m so thankful for your faithful, if not timely, posting!

elizabethfrances said...


Abigail said...

I love these surprise comments from you! Naw, you're not projecting too much. I have lots of middle children here at home to soften the edges, though, so I don't have to exercise patience as much. You're being sanctified twice as fast as I am! ;) And, like you with Ollie, I am unutterably grateful to have this little boy!

Love you! We think of you all often. <3

Rebecca said...

Don't tell your Mom about Annie climbing 30 foot pine trees, the lady will never get a wink of sleep!

Abigail said...

Oh, she knows.

It's Aidan climbing that same tree barefoot in winter that should have her worried. :)