
March 2010 - April 2023


Today marked the end of 13 golden years. John and the boys buried John Wayne this afternoon, and in his prayer tonight, Aidan said, "I hope John Wayne is happy now and that he's in Heaven."

Scoff all you want, but I hope so, too.

In lieu of a long eulogy, I offer the simple truth.
You were a good dog, John Wayne, and we'll miss you.


Rebecca said...

Oh, I am so sorry for you all! John Wayne was a such a nice dog and I hope the same, Aidan.

Molly said...

😭 David and I are both saddened to learn of John Wayne’s passing. We always dreamed of getting one of his sired pups. He was such a good protector fighting off a rabid raccoon and watching over the family he loved. I know he enjoyed being inside the house when the weather turned foul. Our vet said that dogs need packs and families become that for them. We always enjoyed seeing pictures of him on your blog. Even today, the pictures of a beloved family member and the memories of his life tug at our hearts. So sorry for your loss.

Abigail said...

We are glad he did not suffer long, and he had a good, long life for a lab. We sure do miss him, though. Thanks for sharing our sentiments. <3