
Real Time

I was changing Mallory's outifit while Aidan kneeled next to us cooing and fawning over her.  He paused to look at me sympathetically and said, "I'm sorry to say this, Mama, but I love Mallory more than you." He continued, "She's just CUTER and SWEETER and FATTER!"


Real Time-- How to be a Prepper, Baby Clothes Edition

The children and I just got back from a rummage sale. Deborah had arrived there about an hour before we did, and she'd set aside some gorgeous children's clothes for us-- some brand new with tags!

When we got home, [Redacted] saw a dress that Debbie had picked up for Mallory and fell in love with it, halfheartedly trying to convince me to set it aside for her someday (Lord willing) baby. I refused to, one-- because Debbie thought of Mallory and not a nonexistent baby when she found it, two-- I love the dress and want my baby to wear it, and, most importantly-- [REDACTED] IS [REDACTED] YEARS OLD, UNMARRIED, AND HAS NO BABY."

When I pointed out this minor truth to her, she sighed, "Yeah, well, I'll probably never get married."

"Exactly!" I replied, "So why on earth would I save this dress for you?"

"I'll adopt!" was the cheery rejoinder.

I countered with, "Your baby deserves a father...." to which she smoothly replied, "Well, I'm going to adopt a husband first."


Real Time Phrom the Phone

 ...because our six-month old baby doesn't know that she's not supposed to be doing these things yet.

For Pete's sake, Baby.
Thanks for entirely skipping those precious months when you're supposed to be cuddling with your mama!!!

(And before she even turned 6 months, she was pulling herself up like this. 😭)

And just because she looks goofy in all these pictures, here's another one from the phone in which she looks like the beautiful baby she is.