
Twenty-three Years Yesterday

October 6th!

I would never and could never have dreamed this:
our children, our girls and their husbands, our grandbabies.

I'm grateful for this unimagined life, and for you, their Papa,
my Heart, a best friend from then 'til now.

(Picture of John, me, and Mallory-within, taken by the incomparable Danielle B. at Annika's wedding last October.)


Mary said...

What a beautiful, sweet, amazing and sincere couple!!!! We are abundantly blessed to have you in our lives!!!!!
That was a beautiful day!! May our Lord bless you with many more years!!!

Abigail said...

Thank you for the sweet words, Mary! Maybe someday, with heaps of sanctification, we'll actually live up to them. 😉

Rebecca said...

What a fabulous picture this is! John is proud as a peacock and you are in The.Best.Spot.Ever. (Or so I imagine as I can never contort myself down into that crevice of my husband without my rear end and back jutting out awkwardly. That spot is, in my life, akin to the tiptoe kiss. hehehe

Happy Anniversary. Hope it was wonderful. After such a close call a few weeks ago, it seems it could be nothing other.

Farmgirl said...

Just returning to the Blog world after a hiatus, but reading up on all of the things life has placed upon you, and breathing a prayer of gratitude for your anniversary, your life, and in hopes for healing of Grandma extraordinaire. Well-wishes upon you all. <3

Abigail said...

If you could see the full-body version, you'd see John on a hillside above me AND me bending my knees to get to that coveted spot, ha! I'm a full 2 inches taller than John, so a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do.

Abigail said...

Thanks so much, Michelle. It means a lot. ❤️

Liana said...

Aww, Abby! Happy Anniversary to you both. I love that "you're back" and I can catch up, but gollly... would I love to sit and chat with you for hours.

Abigail said...

If you're ever down this way, let me know, and we'll make good on that! We live 10 minutes off of 81, so even a drop-in on your way southward would work. It'd be great to catch up in person!

Anonymous said...

Happiest Anniversary yet! Your wedding is one of my very favorites in memory ( so much cotton candy!) and your marriage and family has been a gift and a joy to me through this blog for all of these years! I love you both and am so glad God brought you together.

sarah said...

This was Sarah Tate.

Abigail said...

The best part is that I knew it was you as soon as I read "so much cotton candy!" Ha! You're a figure of legend with my children because of all the Story told, and the fact that I made you ill at my wedding is among the chief of them.