
A Big Day

Wagonloads of happy returns to this boy.

Happy birthday!
We love you, Manchop!


Sarah said...

Your so sweet to link up in celebration of the manchop. Cheers to the baby who is really a man!

Anonymous said...

You can sing with us:

"He is a manchop,
He's not a lamb chop ...

It changes a bit each time, but he is always a manchop.

Abigail said...

In lieu of presents, I present this sparkly, shiny, link...

I WAS singing that as I posted this. That song is so catchy I can't get it out of my head once it enters. Its rhythm reminds me of the Danielson Famile, but I can never remember more than the first two lines.

Michelle said...

Wow, has it been a year already? Congratulations on the little fighter. He looks so happy and healthy in that photo on Sarah's blog. :D

Rebecca said...

HI there Abby. Since I have become a sort-of blogging freak, and since I post nearly every day or at least every other, and since each post includes about a gazzillion photos, I have pretty much stopped responding to comments in the comments section just so that people don't have to try and FIND said comments and THUS waste their time.


That was a mouthful AND a run on sentence. Oh well. I am hot.

I am sorry that we missed you at the zoo. How much fun would it have been to go WITH you! Of course, that probably wouldn't have been too cool since you had family over anyway.

We were sorry to miss you guys that weekend.

As for the berries thing. You THINK you were being smart by playing the "very general answer game" but in fact, I know, you were just trying to poisen me.

Thanks a lot.

I will be owing you a letter soon. Lots of news. Lots to catch up on. PLus, I am missing you something fierce.

Matt MAY have the opportunity to head back to his OLD place of employment as a spokesperson for his NEW place of employment at a dairy conference. And it MAY be a thursday and Friday. And it MAY allow us a LONG weekend. And his parents' MAY be out of town that weekend, so we wouldn't have to split up our time into such small increments. So MAYBE, we will get to catch up in person? The best way...

In any case, hope you are well and thanks for your occasional 'virtual blog visits'.

Sarah said...

I'm going out of my mind. No shotsnaps in ages. I will comment until you comply.

Sarah said...

I need Millie. I need Annika. I need fat Susanna. Life without pics of neices is so sad. sad I say. sad.

Sarah said...

Perhaps it's a character flaw (on your part) that you'd deprive your followers of peeking at your babies, cakes and burnt tupperware. Sure, get us hooked than skip town with all the bacon. I thought I knew you better.

Sarah said...

Now that I'm venting, I'll just let loose: How could you!!?? Abby, it's been a MONTH. A whole month. Have you broken up with us? What did we do?

Abigail said...


We didn't have company that weekend, but we did the following Tuesday!

I'd make a terrible wicked stepmother; even when I try, I can't poison people properly.

We'd love to see you! If it doesn't fall through, just let me know when it would be.

You've done it now, sister. Just take a look at what your pestering comments have wrought. Look and look and look and look and look...

I'll try to burn a piece of tupperware soon, just for you.