
'Fess Up, Josephine

Okay, it's time to speak truth.

We've had the internet for several weeks now, wildly whooping on the back of Hunger's wind from my brother's home to ours, and I haven't yet put up a post.


I've weakly begun trying to catch up on people's blogs (What's this?! You lived during the last year and a half?), I've started to remember why the Internet is so darn fun, and I've started to also remember
why I hate it.

I haven't started making even the first of the many Christmas gifts on my wish list for giving, and if I'm really stupid, I'll put up a monster blog post before next Saturday.

Let's hope I'm wise, instead.

Christmas in 11 days!
(I can't wait!!!!!)


Full of Grace said...

It was Wonderful seeing you yesterday!! It's also wonderful seeing you here :) I'm holding you to that get together at your home, I am so looking forward to it! :) Here's to a speedy gift finish :)

alltheposts said...

Yay for Abby's internet!!

Rebecca said...

I am glad to know that I am not the only one who hasn't started Christmas gifts yet---only problem is that I know you *will* get them done because, well, you always do even if it means not going to bed. Ever.

And me? Well, I am a lazy, give-up sorta type who is seriously considering scratching every single one of my ideas. Would you believe I haven't even taken a family picture yet for the Christmas cards? Christmas cards that, may I remind you, have only a few more days to fly to their recipients?!?

Yay for a blogpost. I know your love/hate relationship with the internet so I tried not getting my hopes up---but they did anyway. ;-)

Unknown said...

My children are scrounging for something passable for dinner tonight - cereal, popcorn, cheese slices, apples, yogurt, molasses cookies - because apparently the mama in da howse is not making dinner tonight...

...all because the mama has too many Christmas sewing projects on the list and too little time to finish...

...and she saw that you had posted... :o) !!!

...bad internet!


Farmgirl said...

Yay, for you being able to post more often (in theory, at least) and for the rest of us to get a glimpse of more great pictures.

Bad internet isn't keeping me from much home-made wondefulness this year... but it is causing me to neglect copious amounts of laundry folding as we speak.

Jamie said...

So happy you have internet! Now post some pics!

Liana said...

Yay - it's like Christmas just seeing that you posted.
I have, however, started my baking, and wrapping...and, the blog has been neglected :(
So happy to see you via blog-photos!

Anonymous said...

Yay Abigail! I just wanted to let you know that I made the peppermint patties from buildabelly - amazingly delicious! I've already been asked to share the recipe multiple times. Hope you all are well! Wishing you much joy and peace this Christmas. Love, Ginny J.

Molly said...

How truly delightful to see your newest post and picture! The family is soooo adorable!! I know you'll get your Christmas gifts done and I hope you'll take pictures and share them with us. Your creativity fuels me! I must try those peppermint patties - thanks for the heads-up, Ginny! Glad you're back! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!!

Michelle P said...

Yeah! So happy the internet has found you! :)
Look forward to "seeing" more of you soon...those girls grow too quickly!
Hope you have a wonderful Christmas...and I sent your Christmas card to your parents' because I didn't know your address. hint. hint. :)

Abigail said...

All of you girls who are on top of things: WAY TO GO!!! I spent the first part of the week with a broken furnace, near freezing temps, children and Miserable Mama Bear throwing up, and general lack of Getting Things Done. The second half of the week was spent pretending I had Nothing To Get Done. My lack of productivity is pretty amazing...

Soon! I am excited to introduce you to the mansion.

Ginny! I didn't even know that you knew this spot existed! I was glad to read your comment- glad you like the candies, but even more glad that we've got a link of which I wasn't aware. Hurrah! And Merry Christmas to you!

Watch out! They're dangerously easy to eat dozens of...

I sent you an email a while back with our address. I'll resend it, even though the newsy content will be completely stale and outdated (except the address, which is still the same and hopefully will be for many long years).

Unknown said...

ooo i know i'm a little late seeing this post, but i decided to check your blog today and was so happy to see your post! can't wait to hear all about everything!! and such a sweet picture of you and your little ladies :) happy new year!

Molly said...

I pray that you and your family are doing well, especially during this hard Winter. If you get a chance please leave a post and a pic - or more - so we will all know that everything is fine with your precious family.
