
Real Time: Quarantine Version

We're watching The Princess Bride right now. We all simultaneously burst into laughter at a line that normally doesn't even make us grin.

Let's see if you can figure out what part was so funny.
Fezzik and The Man in Black are facing each other in a showdown...

 Fezzik: "Why do you wear a mask? Were you burned with acid or something like that?"

Westley: "Oh no. It’s just that they’re terribly comfortable. I think everyone will be wearing them in the future."


Farmgirl said...

HAHAHAHA! That's fantastic.

Nanno said...

There is a line in that movie for every possible occasion and circumstance...

Nanno said...

And come to think of it, I was just pondering the other day what sort of looks I would get if I donned a "Zorro" type mask in compliance with the "letter of the law."

Abigail said...

John sometimes does a version of that! We'll be out on a "grocery date," and I'll turn around to find him with his mask over his eyes, walking down the middle of the driving lane in the parking lot, fumbling around with his hands like a man in the dark. :)