
Lephtover Photos Phrom the Phone

John had to work on FATDOG (Friday After Thanksgiving Day of Gaming) for the first time since we began observing it. He is the day's champion and king, so it was bare and strange without him home. The children rallied forth anyway, and broke open games immediately upon waking.

We made a Thanksgiving leaf garland again after a several-year hiatus. I guess I had a long stretch of feeling too tired to keep it up, but it ended up being delightful and easy with lots of hands to cut out the leaves. I used to compulsively cut out each leaf myself, because I was a stupid perfectionist. This year, everyone who wanted to (including Skylark but not Ransom) cut out leaves along with me, without regard to perfect and cleanly cut edges.  Many hands make light work, and all that.  (See! In some areas, I'm learning.)

Zeke was thankful for Grandpa(s) and brothers.

One of my thankfulness leaves features A HOKEY POKEY BAR and its givers, Mags and Brendan, whom we were able to see for the first time in five years. How could it have been so long? It was utterly good to catch up with them both, and it made me grin for a whole week. They left behind a Hokey Pokey bar for us, and it was just as delicious as Charlie Bucket's first chocolate bar. Also, this is the second visit in which I have no pictures of THEM and only pictures of the chocolate they gave us. What is wrong with me??!!

When Tim visits, we also quite often have to put up with his sister Kehlleegh. A Kelee who steals my phone for the purpose of selfies.  Oh, Chely. 

November brought the first snowman. One of the girls took these pictures on my phone at Cadence's request. Meet Uncle Bobby, Cadence's bosom buddy, whom she still talks about from time to time (e.g. "Oh, Uncle Bobby-- I really miss Uncle Bobby! He was my favorite. Too bad he had to melt." and so on.)

Grandma must have been showing something amazing to have that many children piled on top of her.  An avalanche of children. That could be dangerous!


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