
Real Time Phrom the Phone

 ...because our six-month old baby doesn't know that she's not supposed to be doing these things yet.

For Pete's sake, Baby.
Thanks for entirely skipping those precious months when you're supposed to be cuddling with your mama!!!

(And before she even turned 6 months, she was pulling herself up like this. 😭)

And just because she looks goofy in all these pictures, here's another one from the phone in which she looks like the beautiful baby she is. 


Deborah Purdy said...

I just asked Mom tonight if she was crawling yet!! Of course she is. If you need a good, long, cozy snuggle I'll let you borrow Enoch and you can tape a picture of Mallory's face over his and pretend she's not growing up faster than she has a right to.

Abigail said...

YES, I DO!!!!!!
I'm holding you to this. Mopsy can bring Enoch home ANYTIME. I won't even cover his face; I'll simply hunker down and enjoy his sweet, cuddly self. (The other day, Mallory fell asleep on me, and I was in a quandary because I had Stuff to Do, but she was actually snuggling with me. I ended up ignoring the Stuff for a bit to enjoy it when I could. :)

Molly said...

What a sweet and beautiful baby! I remember Ransom trying to walk early but has Mallory won the prize for THE earliest? I love the picture of her trying to pull herself up using the walker. That is determination at its best! Thank you for continuing to share these gems of your days.

Much love!