
Stir Me Crazy.

With little desire to write, I spill too many words and smother all.

I am tired but content. Two girls peacefully sleeping means a dim-lit bath and music full of memories, and now I sit, squeaky clean, listening to the Songs: Ohia record that John gave me for Tax Day. (My first-heard and favorite song of Jason Molina's-- The Lioness-- can be heard here.) We either deliberately gave our c.d. copy to Mister B. Boyd E. a few years back or lost it in one of our shuffles from place to place, so John replaced it in superior form. Vinyl or bust.

That same Heart is off throwing people into volcanoes (Board Game Night Abroad). On nights like tonight, when Susannah obliges, waiting for his cominghome is my time of quiet, which I'm now heedlessly spending by feeding pictures to this greedy beast. (Bursting shotsnaps belly.)

John is honing in on two potential jobs, and we continue to look, with hope, for a place to live while we prepare the Nanticoke land for house-raising. In the meantime, we walk around a giant, plastic desk in order to sort through a ridiculous amount of belongings. We spent the day indoors, missing the sun and breeze that teased us from the window. I hunched in front of the computer hunting down details we need in order to move, while the girls eyed agog every last inch of their new desk.

Yep, a new desk. It's funny. After nearly drowning in things we don't even care about, John and I have been slowly weeding through things and sending bags and boxes to thrift stores. He sorts through books with a ruthless eye, and I steel myself to do the same. In a few days, we'll begin uprooting our hideous thrift store/road-found furniture and transplanting them to the side of the road to be found anew by treasure-seekers or garbage men. It's only now, preparing for a someday move, that our home will begin to look filled instead of unpleasantly overstuffed. So, of course, it was today that one of John's co-workers handed down a giant, rich-kids desk for the girls. I scoured it bleach-clean and put it in the living room, where it obscures half of a wall and devours more than it should of our vanishing living room floor. The girls are delighted! So be it.

And now, with hearts a'pound from your vicarious living of today's non-adventure, what are you waiting for? Move on to the glut of snapshots!

*Honest Update: Though the bath was luxurious (as baths become rare when comes motherhood), it was regrettably cut short after five minutes due to Susannah rolling off the pillow I'd placed her belly upon. Loud-voiced displeasure, and her gruntings continue even at quarter-past eleven. The Wren....right. Night Owl, rather.

p.s. I'm not complaining. She is dear even when she grunts past midnight, and I thank the Great Giver for His gift. (I also thank Him for a husband who snatched her from me last night, garnering me seven straight hours of sleep. Hoo Boy!)


barefootkangaroo said...

I received my first desk when I was either 9 or 10 as a Christmas gift, and I LOVED it! I can still remeber just sitting there at my desk trying to come up with some meaningful use for it, and finally deciding to just pretend it was useful. "I will keep my action figures in this drawer, and my coloring biooks in this one." It was a lot of fun.

Griffen said...

Oooooo, yes. I sucked my thumb until age six, when my father bribed me to quit the habit. I could select ANYTHING from the Sears catalog (doesn't that sound like dark-ages speak?) I chose a DESK. My sisters could not figure out why in the world I would do such a thing, but the day it came still ranks up there with the day I got married, and the days I gave birth to the kids as being one of true elation, so crisp in my mind. It's sick.

Abigail said...

I remember two attempts at bribery. One occurred when an elderly family friend gave me an envelope full of coupons (perhaps valuable to her, and somewhat exciting to me, but still...).

The second was a 4-inch Strawberry Shortcake figure that I coveted without even knowing who she was due to a lacking television set. I stopped sucking my thumb for a few weeks to get her and then continued popping my thumb in for another 6 years.

If only they'd given me a desk in which to put my action figures and coloring books. Sigh. This desk arrived 20 years too late.

Michelle said...

SEVEN STRAIGHT hours of sleep? What's your address? I am moving there! You must have some secret. Your baby is even younger than mine! Hmmph! :P LOL

Abigail said...

Not to brag on this baby, but last week she gave me two eight-hour stretches in a row. Unheard of! Millie and Annie didn't do that until they were over a year old. Now if only I'd been sleeping those hours away instead of staying up late playing board games with John...