
In case you worry about us starving, don't. Here are bags of rustic bread, soft rolls, Italian loaves, donuts, muffins, rye, etc. Thank you to Tony and to the good folks at Price Chopper who give food away the day before the "sell by" date and to Mopsy who dumps it on us. And thanks, too, to Dr. Atkins, who cheers all our munching onward! (I KNOW it's a weird snapshot, but I have family traditions to uphold, and it's funny, and some of you know about the family tale of Gertrude Hawk chocolates and can appreciate the humor of garbage bags full o' bread and stacked in a kitchen.)


Rebecca said...

Not sure how this photograph and the skinny minnie, millie-taken photograph can reside in the same household...

Abigail said...

After eating three donuts (myself) and giving the girls a few, I gave the rest away. I took the muffins to church, and the bread, ah, the bread... I only parted with about half of it and froze the rest. (And I've explained the falseness of photography.)