
Millie occasionally captures me in fuzzy snapshots while I'm picking up toys like a deer in the lights. (I'm thinking about giving her our old camera for her birthday next year, which she would use with supervision because it can only be turned on and off by removing the batteries....)


Margaret said...

look how skinny!

Rebecca said...

I think that is a FANTASTIC birthday idea! Will you start HER a blog then?

Wendy said...

Yes...I definately envied your skinniness...while I sit here pleasantly plump for a while longer:) You look FABULOUS!

Abigail said...

Ah, you know I cull through all snapshots and only post the most flattering (true!). Millie's magical perspective in this one worked like a carnival mirror. I've never worn legs that look so scarily skeletal in my life and STILL don't, and I thought it was funny that I looked like I was barely filling out my jeans when, truth be told, the eggnog I've been chugging has made them tight and uncomfortable.

Hmmmm. Though I'm still emotionally attached to it, maybe it is a great idea to give Millie the old camera. She's got TALENT!

Anonymous said...


I am glad you posted that you thought this photo made you look eerily skinny because, truth be told, I thought so too. My first thought was actually, "That girl needs to chug a lot more reduced price egg nog!!" Want some of my hips? Ha! :D

Millie did a good job. :) I think every child does this to their poor parents. I know there is a plethora of photos like this of my mom doing various chores, caught like a deer in headlights. Now, I am waiting for Matthew to take the helm. Yikes.

Michelle (who still can't get into her Blogger account and has given up blogging for a while so that I don't throw the computer out the window in disgust)