Subscribers, Forgive Me
I'm reposting the link 'cause I want to. And it's my blog. And it well reflects the flightiness of my real life. Plus, if you were the sort to be bored and/or disgusted by repetition, chances are good that you would have stopped visiting this place moons ago.
For those of you who are seeing this for the first time, I wrote the following last night, before I realized that the purchase occurred five years ago. I knew of Monsato and their disturbing practices, but either hadn't heard or didn't remember that they are now the Boss of vegetable seeds, as well. I'm a late learner. If someone else learns the same from my link, great. Increased awareness of what is currently occurring at the root of our food sources can only be a good thing, and if enough people act as Fedco's customers have, then perhaps we can keep seeds from committing suicide.
Because I'm a procrastinator to my core, I just sat down to order seeds, which means I just now learned about Monsanto's buyout of Seminis seeds.
And then I had to post a link for those of you interested in seed saving and/or breaking ties with wicked-- I don't say that lightly-- corporations*. Some may think that this is a lot of fuss and bother over nothing, but seeds are life, which is worth some fuss and bother, don't you think?
I wanted to start saving seed in slow paces so I wouldn't feel overwhelmed, but right now, I feel overwhelmed.
*As I hope is obvious, I don't think all corporations are wicked, but Monsanto seems to fit the bill.
**Also redundant is a request for advice from anyone who's saved seeds before. Any suggestions about easy vegetables to start with? Not too many, though. I already feel like I'm treading water.