
The Thing That Perches in the Soul

Two days ago, the surety of spring was a blush rising on a woman's cheek. Black birds, white bellies by the dozens, moved with pecks and hops along the yard. Worms stirred in dark masses just below.

But tonight spring is a hooded bird. The snow lies thick and falls thicker. After a day long and cluttered, I sit alone and quiet, the steady wind a nightsong outside the window. Ready to spill today onto the floor in a sorry, graveled heap. Ready to begin again in tomorrow's clear light.


Unknown said...

what a beautiful post!

i'm finally stopping by once again...back to the land of the living...if you see my blog you'll know why ;) I've missed your blog though, with its beautiful words and whimsical photos...I love how you love life and your children...you are always inspiring me and I want to thank you for that! And, we'll be moving to NJ in May...and we're taking a trip up North this summer...so maybe it wouldn't be so bad to keep in touch and see if we could actually meet after all this time :) God bless!

Abigail said...

Aha-- Just read the news. :) For good measure, here's a congratulations on this end, too!

And if you are near our parts this summer, give a holler; the girls would be delighted with visitors, and I'd make cookies, to boot!

Abigail said...

p.s. And thanks for your kind words. I often fail so far short, and your comments are encouraging!