
Real Time

I've given up on blogging for the last couple of months, and signs are promising that the absence will continue, but here's a quote from 30 seconds ago that I'd like to remember.

Millie caught me admiring my plump, pregnant self in the mirror-- curves and rounded edges everywhere one can grow them-- and chuckled.

"Boy, Mama.  You are getting SO nice to spank!"

Yup.  Cookies three meals a day will do that to you. 


Sarah said...

Well I keep checking in for your Christmas post so don't go too far!

Renata said...

I have missed you!!! Please don't totally give up! I hope you and your family had a wonderful Christmas and a very Happy New Year. I'd better run because I can hear my twins into things and it's time ( past time really) that the kiddos were in bed! Take care and glad everything is going well!! In the meantime I'll have to stalk your older posts....
P.S. Take care of that belly!! 4 at a time is a must ( you know how it goes two for you and two for bub-quite reasonable really! :)

Renata said...

Just reread my comment. I meant 4 biscuits at a time not 4 babies although that would be a blessing you would certainly have a belly!! I can't stop giggling -hope my blunder gave you a laugh anyway :)

heidiann(e) said...


Give that girl a taste of her own medicine!
No spankings allowed until after at least a dozen more cookies!

Molly said...

I agree with all of the above posts - I hope it isn't for long and I hope that doesn't sound too selfish of me. I love seeing your news! However, you must take care of yourself and your growing family. I totally understand. :) Like Renata, I will certainly enjoy posts of the past which are always great fun to read.

Be safe, stay healthy and keep warm! BRRRRR! This "polar vortex" is ridiculous. I don't even have the appropriate clothing for this type of cold!!! Fortunately, we will be in the 40's today unlike the 12 degrees we awoke to on Tuesday. And our Key Lime tree has survived, much to the care-taking of David - the tree's "guardian angel". :)

P.S. I give a definite "thumbs up!" to cookies. One for each cheek, I say.

Much love!

Farmgirl said...

My selfishness for your ponderings and beautiful photos begs you not to quit for very long. And I'm loving the image of cookies and innocent commentary and pregnancy curves :) Thanks for the smile!

All for now-

Full of Grace said...

Not really sure where you are hiding them, because all I can envision is your always willowy self ;)

Art Teacher said...

Please don't give up completely I've been reading now for such a long time you would surely be missed! I would love to know how you actually find time to do it at all? I only have three children and rarely find the time to post so I am very impressed that you can keep up at all.
In other news, I need you to know that your peppermint patty recipe has changed me for the better, wait, the worse, no wait the better. I was craving one recently and remembered that I had seen your recipe for them a while back...I wish I had made them around Christmas and given them as gifts. Since I made them in January I have managed to consume the whole batch myself.
So my taste buds thank you, my pants are feeling less grateful.
Come back soon, just don't post any candy recipes that I will be tempted to try :)

Abigail said...


I DON'T do it all. Some days I do so little I wonder why I even bother. There. Better? :)

Also, those peppermint patties should come with a warning label. I didn't make them for Christmas this year, though I had intended to (see above comment about not doing it all), but my sister-in-law DID. Holy moly. I ate them as fast as my sticky, little paws could grab them.

Abigail said...

All the rest of you sweet people,

I'll put up a post someday, filled with poor-quality pictures, don't you fear! And just for you, Elizabeth, I'll include a photo of my gloriously substantial oak-tree mama-self. Willowy? I laughed out loud! (You've seen me pregnant before, right?)

Rebecca said...

I don't know how I missed this one but your girls CRACK ME up. Reading the above post and this one at the same sitting was too awesome for words.

They have such cool personalities.

Awesome. Cool. I might have reverted back into my highschool years.
But, seriously, the SPANK comment was awesome.

Abigail said...

The best part? She DID spank me! :)