
Real Time*, or, More of the Same

I just overheard Susannah making up sentences with this week's spelling words and laughing at them with Annika.  What on earth could be so funny?  (You just had to ask, didn't you...)

"Mama swelled, and split her jeans, and she squashed a wasp."

I'm completely innocent of wasp-squashing, but the rest, unfortunately, is all too true.  Yup, right down the seat, folks.  We're still laughing about it three days later. 

Bring on the cookies!

*I apologize for these "real time" segments dealing almost exclusively with my burgeoning self, but they make me laugh, which is valuable these days, and they take almost no time to plunk out.

p.s. Aunt Karen, I DO have the beginnings of a monster post forming, though, just for you.  :)


Abigail said...

And yesterday Pip looked at me thoughtfully while I was trying to button a too-small sweater and remarked, "Hmm, Mama. You're popping out of everything, right? You are chuuuuubbyyyyyy."

Out of the mouths of sweet babes...

Abigail said...

BUT!!!! I did not split the sweater like I did the jeans. I merely popped off the buttons.

Rebecca said...

It's high time you admit, though, that the pair of jeans that you split happened to be non-pregnant 'normal' jeans. Ah- you left out that part! :-)

Seems to me, bitty baby was declaring it TIME to give him/her some room to stretch!

You do have a beautiful baby bump, I had to do everything I could not to break the touch barrier and rub it this Sunday! Especially when we were talking about kicks and squirms. They are just too fun to feel.

Abigail said...

The best part? They WERE maternity jeans! (Yeehaw!) I couldn't even fit one calf inside the top part of "normal" jeans at this point, and that's just fine. I'm happy that growing a baby this way and eating dozens of cookies along the way is normal for me.

You may break the touch barrier anytime you wish; just stay clear of the love handles.

Farmgirl said...

Love these updates!!! They make me smile. I'd love love love to see you in REAL, real time. With your entire, beautiful, brood.

Abigail said...

If you're ever in the area, stop in! It'd be fun to catch up in person!