
Real Time: Worth My Weight in Gold

So I've been the same weight, yo-yo-ing several pounds more or less, since a few months after Ransom was born, and it's 40+ pounds more than my usual "normal." I'm okay with this, for the most part. I'm older, and my body definitely responds differently than it used to, so apart from being resentful and grumpy as I pass off all my old favorite clothes to my daughters, my round belly doesn't bother me. I have, however, felt sludgy, and my heart keeps acting cranky, so in response to my subtle plea, John gave me a few simple exercises to start working on this week.

Just now, I completed 30 jumping jacks in the living room, but starting laughing hard in the middle of them because Aidan was sitting on the couch, watching me and looking visibly uncertain and worried, when he suddenly bellowed, 

"MAMA! Everything's BOINGIN', even the floor! How much do you weigh?" 

Not nearly enough to make the floor collapse, my dear...I hope. ;)


Molly said...

Oh goodness gracious! Out of the mouths of babes. I applaud your motivation! You are beautiful - both inside and out! Correct me if I’m wrong but doesn’t a little “bodily insulation” help with your cold winters? I give you a, PASS, says the lady in Texas. 🤠

Much love!

Abigail said...

Well, the exercises increased in length and, um...severity? (which is a laughable word, because they were gentle bodyweight exercises mixed with slogging)...until Christmas Eve, at which point they stopped entirely. I figured an all-nighter was demanding enough!

I moved my body daily for almost a month, though, and although I didn't notice a big change in my cranky heart rhythm, I did feel stronger! And then I stopped. And I haven't started again. And a LOT of sugar has somehow entered my system since that time. You don't have to worry about me! My insulation is all set to last me through this winter and for YEEEEEAAARS to come. ;)