
That Boy!


Friends who see us in real life know what a long road Zeke has traveled in order to learn to read. After being diagnosed with speech apraxia when he was young, he only learned to articulate phonograms and blends through a few years of intense speech labor. 2022 was his year, though, praise God! This picture makes me happy because it's a boy reading in the sunshine, which never grows old, but also it shows his mischievous personality. Instead of hiding a comic book inside of a reading book in order to read comics on the sly, he hid a reading book inside of a comic book so that I would chastise him unfairly.

And it worked.


Molly said...

That’s wonderful news! I can’t get over how long his legs are - and I’m sure he’s even taller almost a year later! Love the sunny reading spot. I never tire of seeing children reading actual books!

Abigail said...

His illness has only gotten worse! His legs keep growing longer, and his books keep growing fatter.