

I just finished editing a college paper for my brother Andy. A few minutes before I sent it off, I heard an unusual crackly-crunch noise coming from the kitchen. The following conversation I had with Millie is vaguely related to Matt's recent post about imagination. (And, no, Matt, we've done nothing to foster this particular imaginative outworking in her...)

Me, facing the computer screen: "Millie, what are you doing?"

Millie, standing near the crackly-crunch noise: "Just givin' my balloon some yummy food."

Me, intrigued and now turning half-way 'round: "What kind of food, babe?"

Millie, secure in her own logic: "Eggshells."

(Note to self--close garbage bag more effectively.)

1 comment :

Anonymous said...

That is so funny Abby![this is Anna,By the way]