

Annika as old-school aviator.

Millie as professional anchor girl.

But not so professional that she has the nightly news memorized.

Oh, yes, and Mama as paparazzi.

Susannah offered me a cone.

For reasons that I'm sure you can understand, I preferred Millie's.

Rebelling against my ice cream decision, Susannah ran off and became a troll.


Anonymous said...

Ahh, if only there were ice cream cones like that in real life!

But really, we gotta get our kids (my younger siblings, I mean) to the Discovery Center sometime, with the tickets they have from the BOOKS program. I can just imagine Owen's face inside that troll.:-P

Abigail said...

I love the BOOKS program! They've got the best rewards ever, and I'm glad you guys are in on it. Yes, go!