
Yurty Yurt

Heidianne(e) and the Squirrel live beautifully. We were able to see them-- and the Beckley's! and Alice!-- several weeks ago. It was wonderful. I wish we visited more often.

I have two pond pictures.
Heidi uses her crocs as floaties.

Squirrel scuttles along toward a jump while Amy teaches Millie how to swim. (She's good! Amy, that is, as a gentle, patient, skilled swimming instructor. Millie, not so much yet.)


Griffen said...

Oh. So so so jealous. But happy for such good people to enjoy such good company together, even if I can't.

Abigail said...

Occasionally, little jolts of envy shoot through me for bits of your living, so let's call it even.

Though not greener, that metaphorical grass is green on both sides of the ocean, and I wish you could hop over here more easily to enjoy both.