

[I've] read plenty of blogs like that, complete with lists of how many loads of laundry were completed, and just exactly how the family car broke down. Then there are blogs that have a different purpose. The writer has an agenda beyond recording their day. They want their readers to be changed, to learn, to be sanctified. There is, in short, an important teaching element. And of course, there are blogs that seek to teach through telling us about the laundry and the car.

A squib has precious little overlap with the first definition, and rather much with the second. That is, it is not my habit to tell folks what I had for breakfast.

I quote R.C. Sproul, Jr., who spilled a bowl of blogging worms with his squib's conclusions regarding women whose co-ed blogs are devoted chiefly to theological matters. I accidentally stumbled into the furor of response through haphazard hopping, but to regular readers of certain blogs, this is stale news.

However stale, in honor of the above quoted snippet, I offer this.

1. I did two loads of laundry
2. My neighbor told me our car may have a gas leak
3. I had some 10-grain cereal for breakfast

1. I hope to do no laundry
2. I am hopeful of our car's health, but I forgot to tell John about the possible leak
3. I did not eat breakfast, but the girls had scrambled eggs with sharp cheddar & buttered toast

I am involved in important teaching here, people!
Perk those ears! Change! Learn! Be sanctified!

(Do not fear, gentle reader(s), that I will engage myself in the violent fray. My blog may well continue to its dismal end with a dismaying lack of substance and filled with lists of laundry scrubbed, food chewed, and snapshots shot.)

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