
I'm going to make Millie and Annika monsters based on this rough sketch. I drafted half the pattern for the droopy one and then gave up (before my mom roused me out of despair by drafting the pattern for his infuriating head). I'm struggling to get the shape of heads and bodies right, because I want them to have proper dimension (i.e. from the side, a chest slopes out into a bulging belly or a head slopes from forehead to rounded face) which requires piecing together odd shapes and using lots of darts. Um. Those are sewn darts, not thrown darts, although I was tempted to use the latter.


Anonymous said...

Hmm.. .

I have a question about the legs, and their purpose. Are these legs meant to always dangle straight, or to behave their best when sitting? That is to say, should they have a hinge joint with the body, or be the same circumfrence when they enter the body? This question goes for the arms as well, and tails, and pr'haps the ears. . (Arms that are the same circumfrence when the join the body are usually cut as one with the body, like the picture I sent you of Monkey-Kate's brother. Hinged joints are smooshed flat before sewn into the seam.)The third option is having a round hole and sewing things in the round, which is certainly possible (though less common and more difficult), and may be the the best choice for the brown guys ears. (Sewing in the round is the most rigid joint, followed by cutting with the body, and last of all the hinged joint.)

Can I see a profile sketch?

I have pattern peices from other stuffed animals I can scan and send you for shaping ideas; I just want to pick out the most relevant ones.

Anonymous said...

P.s. can you give an idea of scale? About how tall the finished creature ought to be?

Rebecca said...

Okay-looking at those pictures had me convinced you are crazy. Then, I read the last two comments and my head ACTUALLY started to spin.

Wow. I can't wait to see the finished products-mainly because I will NEVER EVER IN A MILLION YEARS be able to do something as CRAFTY as all that!

Abigail said...

i'll send you an email today with more particulars. i would love whatever help you can give!

titi's comments do the same thing to me when she's talking "shop." :) I can attest that she's made some very, very cool things, not the least of which are a bevy of stuffed critters.

i am not experienced or knowledgeable, you know-- just stupidly determined. I thought it'd be a great idea (which it is), and that settled the matter, in spite of my ignorance and complete lack of animal-making experience. And, take note, the animals have made it as far as the "picking out cool fabric stage," for which nothing but an opinion and a few dollars set aside are required!

Anonymous said...

Sorry for the head-spinning! ;) I will clarify anything anyone has questions about. . . But I do have to clarify on at least this one thing---being "experienced" is just having spent more time being "stupidly determined". Almost everything I have ever made has started out just as you describe, Abby: I thought it'd be a great idea, and that settled the matter, in spite of my ignorance and complete lack of experience!!