
Cool (cozy) flannel.


Rebecca said...

I love the flipability of your bedding! It is really lovely and oh-so-cozy. I love baby anticipation projects!

I am so glad you were able to get it done. While I have high hopes and a to-do list a mile long, it seems that many things will have to go on the backburner. At least you ACCOMPLISHED all you set out to do.

On TWO side notes:
1)Could you email me your momsies address? I would like to mail her something, but it turns out that Matt took the envelope she mailed my square in for a pad of paper-took it to work, and it is now MIA. :-(

2)How long do your babies TYPICALLY stay teeny tiny? Do they (typically) wear preemie clothes in the beginning and if so, for how long? How long do you keep them in 0-3 month clothes? Of course, all these questions are relative to each child-but, guess!

Anywho-I am not-so-patiently awaiting the news. I am worse than you. And it is YOUR kiddo! I just can't wait...I am so excited for you and I am DYING to find out WHO little Baby Berry will be. I can't think of any names for you, but I will keep my ears open for names likened unto nails on a chalkboard. That should do. (That said, I MUST say that you did a great job naming the first two-their names are a perfect fit.)

Abigail said...


That's the beauty of a shorter to-do list. I actually feel like I accomplished something!

I'll email my mom's address.

Millie was 5 #, 15 oz. when she was born, but she was induced two weeks early. Annika, at ten days late, was 7# exactly. Millie could have fit in preemie clothes for a while (she swam in the 0-3 months ones), but I can't remember with Annika. I tend to have small babies, so I'm sure they could wear preemie clothes at the beginning; I just don't know for how long.

I usually keep them in 0-3 month clothes for longer than the first three months, but after the first 6 months or so, they wear pretty much the same size as their age. I think. Maybe.

And congratulations on your BOY! Hip, hip!