
When Millie was born, I was given this magical Moses basket, but it was bare as a bone. With the girls, I just stuffed a pillow from our bed into it, but I found fabric on sale at Jo-Ann's and I and my trusty, ten-ton sewing machine slapped this bedding set together over the weekend. Baby Berry will be cozier than Moses. And the bedding has special, flipping superpowers to transform into...


Leah said...


You did a beautiful job on the bedding set for the Moses basket!!! It looks so warm and comfortable! I've always wanted to have a Moses basket for my babies. I'll have to keep my eyes out for one at yard, garage and rummage sales this summer!

Abigail said...

Thanks, Leah.

The Moses basket is a definite keeper! It's been really useful both indoors and outdoors (i.e. taking a sleeping baby outside while I pull garden weeds). I, too, will keep my eyes peeled for a fine-priced one for you this summer.

Leah said...

I'd be so grateful if you would indeed keep your eyes peeled for a fine-priced Moses basket! Thank you!