

There's always time for a fall tea party,

and for fall clothes-hanging (tho' it's not nearly as fun).

Two bushels of butternut squash in a patch of sunlight.

One of our Hulks lost his head, but don't worry.  There's always a replacement handy.

Even if it turns him into a Hulk-a-phant.

A friend gave us an anatomically correct boy china doll, and the girls gave me heart attacks by dressing it in Aidan's clothes and putting it in his cradle.  It took me a few weeks to get used to seeing an extra sleeping baby in weird places, but it eventually stopped startling  me.

John's mom gave us a pair of tap shoes in MY size.  Guess who couldn't stop tap-dancing when she was supposed to be making supper, even when it did scuff up the entire floor (which that same someone later had to scrub on her hands and knees)?  I'll give you a hint: her name starts with A(bigail).

One little boy, resting peacefully with his new train.

Eating a whole tube of his sister's chapstick must have lulled him right to sleep.

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