
Four Years Ago, In the Autumn Mid-morning...

We whistled while we worked,


Anonymous said...

This poor man has obviously been on a bachelor's diet for far too long! (Canned soup and frozen waffles, anyone?)He's not near so pallid anymore,thanks to (I presume) Buildabelly's fried chicken and boston cream pie!

Rebecca said...

Actually, he looks sort of like he would fit in the whole Star Trek theme, with the hair covering his ears in all the right places! :-) A good Beatles look, too. It is funny how someone can change so much. You don't see it day to day, but I just finished scrapbooking all of our pictures from the year we were married until present and was shocked at how different Matt looked. I am so glad we live in a time of photographs and are given the opportunity to go back however long we want and remember things exactly.

Abigail said...

Actually, it was lots and lots of bacon, cheese sticks, and bagels! Amazing, huh? (He doesn't like cake very much, and I only make fried chicken once every few months, but I don't deny the part that home-cooking played!)
Mostly, he no longer landscapes long hours all summer with his dad, and Depew isn't as fun to walk about in as London and Paris are. (He spent five of the 12 months before our marriage in those two cities, and the lure of finding hidden bookstores meant he walked miles a day.)
A handsome fellow pallid or substantial, though, is my husband. :)

I love shaggy hair. Too bad John only likes hair long or non-existent (except for beards; beards must be existent).

I think that more shocking than Matt's physical change is his change in some outlooks! Next time we're down, I'll tell you one of my favorite Matt quotes. Hehe. "I just don't really like ...." (It has little to do with doctrine, though.)