

The day after John found a diminutive peeper in the downstairs bathroom, the girls found this gorgeous pickerel in the lower garden.  What wealth!

In answer to the question of how light h'learning is going: it's regimented and tidy.  Very regimented and tidy.

Robbers caught in the act, both above and below.

The best way to catch a few winks...

or not.

I took these pictures of the gardens a month ago. They looked (and still look) like a tangled jungle.  Harvest is a mixed bag this year.  Even with repeated plantings and pest control (i.e. baby powder and bug-squashing) some crops barely poked their heads up, but lots of others-- cucumbers!-- are prolific and filling our bellies brimful.  We're gobbling tomatoes, and I hold out hope for enough to can, even though blight has begun.  Crossing fingers!

The corn in the left two rows is what grew during the first rains of spring.  The corn in the right two rows is the same variety but was our second attempt at planting after nothing came up in those rows the first time.  I guess sunshine makes a difference.

The herb bed looks fine as long as you don't step inside and see that most of it is a lush carpet of purslane.  At least it's useful, but, still-- CHICKENS!

Ah, the chickens left us a few flowers, too.  The showy crimson dahlias are my favorite this year.

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