
Lamb the First

This day was our first lamb, so even though it wasn't super fluffy or cuddly, the bit of warmth in the air was enough for this lazy Mama to listen to her children's pleas.

This old school backpack carrier has become a great help now that Susannah's chubbiness strains the limits of my (limited) strength.

Millie licking the snow.... I think.

We tried for a family portrait, minus the working Gypsy.
Susannah shows up in this one, but my big head takes up the rest of the frame.

The girls show up in this one (painfully smiling), but Susannah's shy. So, now, in your mind's eye, piece Susannah from the top onto the rest of us in the bottom, and you'll have a fine picture of the four of us.

Millie follows the invisible animal's tracks instead of the more obvious ones to her left. Those are for tracking amateurs.

Annika looking at the mostly frozen stream.

Millie making snowballs by the playground.

The twirlybird is frozen, but Millie tried to give it a whirl.

And then the sun went away, we froze, and we all ran home.


Rebecca said...

All of these pictures are great...the last three are my favorite. They are beauties! Oh-and the one of the snow-licker. :-)

Griffen said...

Suzannah looks so much like you in the top-most shot.

Abigail said...

Thanks, Rebecca.

It's the tongue, isn't it.

Griffen said...

That, and the eyes.