

A few nights ago when I remembered that we'd taken one solitary picture of her with her eyes open, I rushed to the waning window light to take these funny pictures. I barely fit her in the frame in some of them, but my arm just wouldn't stretch any more.

She began with the pursed mouth face, which I love.

Then she realized she was hungry.

So she thought about her options.

And did her best to reach her goal.

And tried some more, with pointing.

What gives?!? This woman is too busy taking pictures to build my belly!!!

She sampled her hand, but it wasn't tasty.

She displayed such pathos in her defeat that I took pity immediately.


sharon said...

I thouroughly enjoyed this post. I'm getting Justin so he can too.


Rebecca said...

This was SUCH a funny post! I laughed the whole way through it! I can't believe all the expressions she has.

Her eye open pictures are by far my favorites. She is so stunning with her eyes open, it is very easy to get lost in them.

Michelle P said...

Heehee. That was great! What a story teller she is!...she must take after her Mama.

Griffen said...

She's too teensie to say for sure, but by her nose, I'd say she's gonna look like her sisters. Still, in that very first post that John put up on shotsnaps, she looked very much like her mama. Maybe this is the one!

Abigail said...

Glad you all liked it!

And I have high hopes for this beauty. I don't have a conehead, but she does seem to be missing a chin like her mama, plus her eyes bug out pretty nicely.

sarah said...

she's sweet. and still somehow looks a little gnomish in some of these pictures- not that being a gnome and being sweet are mutually exclusive...but she's very pretty, and i don't know that i've ever seen a pretty gnome before!

Abigail said...

I totally called her our little gnome when I saw these, and even in person it's clear she's got some gnome blood. Sweet gnome blood.

Kate said...

Her fingers are soooooo long!