
For Torie, With Thanks

There is, truly, a good reason for posing this sweet baby with lemonheads. She was sent home with a biliblanket and lit the room like Kryptonite. When I nursed her that night, it gave me a headache and made me laugh. I called her Little Lemonhead, explaining to her as I did so that they're a favorite candy. The next day, I opened a box from all the way out West (thank you, Torie!), and was delighted to find not only a box stuffed with Fuzzi Bunz (YES! FUZZI BUNZ!) but also with Laffy Taffy and lemonheads. I have no idea how you did it, but you achieved perfect timing with that package. (The lemonheads are long gone, but the Fuzzi Bunz will join the smaller AIO diapers Titi made me for Susannah. When I use cloth, her little bottom will be swathed like no other!)


Full of Grace said...

Such cute shots and the perfect way to remember her journey into the world. When God gives you lemons make lemonade- the cutest lemonade baby :)

Rebecca said...

I've never seen one of those biliblankets! She really does glow!

Michelle said...

That is so funny. I, too, have never seen one of those blankets. Matthew got the overhead ones in the NICU. Give me a pair of shades!! haha