
Last Pre-Buster Zoo Visit

Almost all pictures feature Susannah because we walked slowly and took plenty of rests while the others rushed ahead with John.

The ducks. (Yup. We went to the zoo, and I offer you a lackluster picture of the ducks. Fierce!)

Girls on a red bench. Millie makes me laugh.

The wind cloth only briefly distracted her from the main temptation-- lollipops!

The interminable wait for the carousel.


Rebecca said...

I'm thinking it was your hope to get Buster outta there by walking the entire parameter of the zoo, chasing after excited girlies. Am I right or am I right!?

Or-as Corynn would say...

Am I right or I am right?

Abigail said...

Not true! I walked as slow as a walrus and rested and sat and such, but I guess Buster had enough!