
Big Heads and True Love

These expressions are a perfect representation of Sobersides.

I used Flickr to upload them because I wanted the pictures to be a larger size than the Blogger upload allows. Then I casually told John I should load them even larger because her head is so marvelous.

As a sign of his deep and abiding love, he immediately made this.

Big Headed Baby.

(How romantic!)


alltheposts said...

I love her almost disappearing bottom lip.

Michelle said...

Oh, poor Piper and her "big head" webpage!! She will grow into it! :)

Abigail said...

I love it, too. She pulls it inward when she's pondering something Especially Big.

Like, say, her head.


(Sorry, Michelle, I couldn't resist. I love every last ounce of that adorable head!)