Bonus Snapshots from Elizabeth
Fred and Elizabeth took pictures during their visit, and Elizabeth mailed me a cd copy of them (along with other things she should not have sent to keep from spoiling us!). It's always fun to see other people's perspectives, so I just uploaded a few pictures; I don't even know which ones! Let's find out together, shall we?
Ah, here we are.
Millie swinging a basket of corn.
Typical chaos by the cherry tree. I think poor Lucy's in the upper lefthand corner, barely surviving an underdog from Millie. (And don't you approve of the safe placement of the metal ramps, sharp side up, just under the swing?)
I'm really curious about what Fred was doing here. I don't remember, but my guess is reciting some kind of kefir incantation.
There are many pictures of me in the kitchen. I guess I was in the kitchen a lot during their visit. I look scared here. EEEEK!
We made a lot of cookies.
Dinner and conversation in our as-yet-unpainted dining room.
Another batch of new baby chicks was born during their visit.
Lucy sorts the buttons.
I spend too much time in the garden.
I fill too many baskets.
I've told you about my slapdash food photography methods before, right? Here's proof. (Step one. Grab a napkin. Cover the piles of vegetables with said napkin. Take a picture of the cookies.)
Here's my handsome Heart captured on film. Thanks, Fred and Elizabeth. Come again and bring your camera!
Yay! We had such a wonderful time and will be back! Fred took the one of Millie swinging corn and I loved it.
I love it, too, but now all the other vegetables are jealous!
We loved to see you and would welcome another visit-- anytime!
Okay. We finally found this one we were looking for. Oh my! 2011. That was so L O N G ago!!!!!
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