
Went to Market


Ezekiel is old enough now that when I go downstairs into the basement to put canning jars on shelves or to start a load of laundry, he knows that I haven't mysteriously disappeared but, instead, I've descended into a wonderful place from which we bar him.  He lingers by the door and tries to wrap his chubby fingers around the doorknob, to no avail, and babbles to himself, no doubt trying to solve the Conundrum of the Closed Door.   Sometimes on my way back up the deep-shadowed steps, I pause, his toes at eye level, and watch him move back and forth in the light.


heidiann(e) said...

I love this.
And I love the grin I know you are sporting as you take this picture of your little gnome.

Rebecca said...

It is these little moments that are so easy to forget...and so wonderful to remember.

Molly said...

I bet your heart took a picture of that! Precious!

Much love!

Renata said...

Hi Abigail
I'm spending a few delightful moments catching up on my blog reading here! This is so adorable!! It's these moments that we Mamas will treasure in our old age!