
Using Days Well

November must owe spring a favor because how else can you explain one week of balmy, southern breezes slipping in the back door?  We played hooky for three days straight, which is our privilege when sunshine beckons, worked hard to finish the last of the outdoor tasks flapping about, and rewarded ourselves with back-to-back picnics in the Big Woods.

Millie skipped out on the first picnic in favor of saddling up Cherry while the other urchins and I ventured forth.


sarah said...

Susannah has a John look in that picture. Hooky for three days? Excellent.

sarah said...

Unless you mean that you played hooky on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, in which case, pfflt.

Abigail said...

She does! It's that steady appraisal without a hint of a smile.

AND hooky is not hooky on the weekend, silly. We are professional hooky players around these parts. We do it right.